Results Radio

Results Radio

Hosted by: Shawn Shewchuk

Shawn Shewchuk, the #1 results coach in the country, is here to inspire, inform, and connect entrepreneurs and high achievers. This show is focused on YOUR actual, measurable results.


Mark Kenny: How to Become and Educated Investor

Season #23 Episode #31

View full show notes, resources, and more at Have you wanted to invest in Real Estate, but you’re worried about the risks in market changes? The first thing I want to address, is that there is...
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Ted Miller III: Are You an Entrepreneur or Just a Manager?

Season #23 Episode #31

There’s a lot of people out there who call themselves entrepreneurs, but they aren’t. They’re glorified managers. If you’re doing all of the heavy lifting in your company, and just reacting to circumstances thrown at...
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Ryan Long - How to Master Your Field and Overcome Adversity

Season #23 Episode #30

“You have to become a bigger, stronger version of yourself.” I get so many people telling me how hard it is to get started. That things don’t just come easy for them like it seems to for others. The truth is, it...
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Greg Reid; How to Properly Use the Law of Attraction

Season #23 Episode #29

SHOW NOTES: YOURRESULTSRADIO.COM/29 “It’s the action in the law of attraction that makes our dreams come true.” - Greg Reid One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “Shawn, I’m just starting out, how to I become...
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John Arnott Sr.: The Simple Shift to Entrepreneurship

Season #23

Show Notes: “People buy the person, they don’t buy the project.” - John Arnott Sr. Today it seems like everyone wants to be an entrepreneur. They think they can take the skills they’ve...
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Darren Jacklin: Building Business Relationships in Person

Season #23

SHOW NOTES: YOURRESULTSRADIO.COM/27 “I don’t compete, I just dominate the space.” - Darren Jacklin Many people want to hide behind a computer and get rich. That’ll only get you so far. The truth is you need to build...
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Stefan Aarnio: How to be a Successful Real Estate Investor

Season #23

Show Notes: “In one way or the other people need real estate if they want to retire.” - Stefan Aarnio I’ve known so many people over the years who call themselves a real estate investor. When...
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Jason Greschuk: How to Find Your Success and Happiness

Season #23 Episode #25

Show Notes: “Your vision is going to compel people to want to work with you.” - Jason Greschuk (Click to Tweet) So many times people build businesses for the wrong reason. They set out to focus...
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Paul Kazanofski: Everything You Need to Know to Get Started in Business

Season #23 Episode #24

Show Notes: “If you over analyze things you’ll never get from point A to point B.” - Paul Kazanofski (click to tweet) A lot of people think that success is something you are born into. That the...
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Will Moreland: How to Achieve Clarity, Accountability, and Results

Season #23

Show Notes: “You can make the choice that you won’t allow your start to determine your finish.” - Dr. Will Moreland (Click to Tweet) So many times in business I come across entrepreneurs that...
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Monica Kretschmer: Stepping Into Entrepreneurship

Season #23 Episode #22

Show Notes: “You have the ability to reinvent yourself every single day.” Many people hesitate when it comes to starting their own business and becoming an entrepreneur. They often times let...
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Melissa Krivachek: Reframing Your Mindset To Make The Sale

Season #23 Episode #21

Show Notes: “You have to ask for it. If you don’t ask for it, you’re never gonna get it and therefore you’re never gonna be successful.” - Melissa Krivachek Sales is a tricky concept. The...
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