Chris Hadfield: Practice Failure Regularly

Season #23

“You have no chance for a do over. You have to perform the first time, and you have to do it right.” - Chris Hadfield

One of the biggest things we have to be ready for as entrepreneurs is failure. We are going to go through a lot of it, and it’s the thing that keeps most people from success. It’s not that we don’t aren’t successful because we fail, we aren’t successful because we don’t push through the failures. You have to be mentally ready for things to go south, and really have a plan of action.

You’ll never see what will actually become the problem, otherwise you would have fixed it before hand. Putting your mind in a place to visualize the possibilities of failure will get you in the right mindset to take on whatever is thrown at you, instead of just giving up and calling it quits. That’s the key to surviving in this world, not just in business.

On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by famed astronaut and captain of the International Space Station, Chris Hadfield. Chris tells us all about how he was able to survive and power through problems, even when a space walk went wrong, leaving him blind and and alone in the universe - literally.

“The situation I was faced with was being alone, hanging onto the outside of a spaceship, having lost my sight.”


  • Visualize failure to understand what is likely to fail so you know how to avoid having that failure happen.
    • This will help you know how you will react when things do go wrong.
  • Simulate failures with the people who will actually be a part of the process.
  • How do you prepare for the unexpected?
  • How can you position yourself so you can still succeed no matter what is thrown at you.
  • Having a personal dream is very important for your life to progress.
  • The decisions you make this week are going to determine who you are this weekend.
  • If you don’t have an overall direction it becomes tough to make short term decisions.
  • Your dreams need to be a conscious decision and something you need to work toward.
  • The most powerful experience was being on a space walk, genuinely and truly alone in the universe.

“Visualizing failure is much more productive.” - Chris Hadfield


Chris Hadfield’s Book