Warren Whitlock - You Don’t Need Everyone to Be a Customer

Season #23

Show Notes: YourResultsRadio.com/10

“You can’t get anything done without other people.” - Warren Whitlock

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Selling a product is easy, or at least it should be. The goal is not to land a sale, or try to persuade someone to buy something they don’t need. If you want to be a good sales person, make a connection with people and find out what they need.

Making a sale shouldn’t be about making money. It should be about helping people, plain and simple. If you can’t tell the difference between working and having fun then you are in the wrong business. There’s plenty of ways to earn a paycheck that are far simpler than trying to hustle money out of people.

When you are looking for a customer, know that not everyone is the right customer - and that’s ok. If people don’t need what you have, don’t force it down their throat. It’s also important to know that people aren’t commodities to be tossed away just because they can’t help you at that moment. Treat everyone with love and respect, and help them figure out what they need. Then give it to them.

Sales is all about helping - not taking.

On this episode of Results Radio we have a legend joining us that’s always been way ahead of the game: Warren Whitlock. Warren has been a master of sales and the internet since before the internet was around for the common person.

Download this episode today to hear amazing insights from Warren about what sales and business is really all about, and if it’s something that’s really for you.

“The opportunity for someone I know to do business with someone you know makes us more powerful” - Warren Whitlock

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  • We all want to connect with a person and share our stories.
  • You can’t have a win/lose mentality.
  • It does matter how you treat people.
  • Don’t put down your competitor just to get a sale.
  • Listen to people and find out about their business.
  • You’ll be much more successful by opening up and listening to people.
  • It’s important to have people you can trust to turn to.
  • If making money is your only goal, you have trouble.
  • You need to be dedicated to serving people and then be rewarded for it.
  • If you have to distinguish between work and play, you’re not doing something right.
  • Find out what someone wants, then see that they get it.
  • You don’t need everyone to be a customer.
  • To be a leader you need to learn how to serve.

“Would you rather have a territory where you knock on every door to get business or a line of people waiting for you?” - Warren Whitlock

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Show Notes: YourResultsRadio.com/10