Tom Ziglar - What You Focus on is Where You Will Be

Season #23

Show Notes:

“At the end of the day all of life and all of business is about relationships.” - Tom Ziglar

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Everyone wants to achieve success and happiness. It’s simply human nature. In the end it’s not about trying to make a sale, beat the competition, or treat people differently at work than you would at home. Being happy and successful is all about nurturing relationships.

If you want to build your business the right way, don’t go out and try to make a sale. No one wants to be sold. People want to be helped. When you encounter a potential customer you need to put their needs first. Do whatever it takes to help them. If you don’t have what they need, find it for them - don’t try to push what you do have on them.  When you take the time to help someone in need they will come back to you every time, and that’s how you build lasting wealth.

On this episode of Results Radio we are joined by a very special guest, Tom Ziglar. Tom is the son of the famous Zig Ziglar, and CEO of Ziglar Inc. Grab a pen and paper before you start this episode, because you need to take notes on this one.

Download this episode today to hear what you can do to make sure you’re living the most fulfilled life possible.

“What you feed your mind determines your appetite.” -Tom Ziglar

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  • The things that matter the most are the things that never change.
  • Focus on what you can do, not what you can’t do.
  • If you want to be happy, focus on relationships.
  • You can create your own economy.
  • Relationships are about always pulling for each other.
  • A business transaction should make sure everyone involved wins.
  • People don’t like to be sold, but they love to be helped to buy.
  • Evaluate if your motive is to sell or to help.
  • There is no higher calling than a salesperson helping clients prevent problems that are preventable.
  • Legacy is when we have in impact that ripples from generation to generation.
  • What you focus on, you get more of.

“True performance is the ideal accomplishment of goal, aspiration, or objective that benefits everyone involved.” -Tom Ziglar

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Show Notes: